My digital paintings n artworks

I love mater the character from Disney cars movie can't resist myself from making its digital painting :D

I like the fluid effect in it thats what  the inspiration behind making this one :)
It's a basically a composite ....i wanted to create a whole under sea look inside a wine glass ....n i m happy with my outcome :)
I m watching Mr Bean .....i didnt remember the years ....i love all his stupidity ....n i love the entire process of making a art piece of him :)

I was reading newspaper and had a look on matrimonial here a married couple from there :D
Disney is my inspiration source ....its an honor to even replicate what they do ....:D


  1. All the above art work is done in photoshop :)

  2. Hey! Great blog Garima. Awesome paintings. Absolutely love Mater. Keep rocking and keep smiling.

    Cheers :)

  3. Hi!!! sami ..:) thx for ur appreciation !! i have seen ur artwork in animation reporter n from there i got ur link really awesome illustrations just love them !!! :)
